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Snail Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd, Hanoi, Viet Nam

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Snail Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd

What we do at Snail Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd
Snail Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd is pioneering in organizing clean and green tours, responsible tourism, sustainable tourism, community-based tourism. Our company is organizing and offering professional adventure tours in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodian, and Myanmar. We have been organizing and providing unique, affordable and professional tours for domestic and foreign tourists as Cycling tours, Walking tours, Trekking tours, Kayaking tours, Photo tour , Bird watching tour, Rockclimbing, Adventure tours or multi sports tours, outdoor activities, aiming at giving the exciting and rewarding experience to visitors. Addition to contributes to strong and healthy life , as well as environmental protection. As a local business is oriented in sustainable tourism development. Snails Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd would like to offer different service packages, in line with budget conditions, ages, interests and all sectors of society. The company is also strongly committed to bring the highest value to the local people, conservation and respect traditional culture, customs and traditions of the local. Minimize the negative aspects affecting the fine traditions, customs and traditions of local communities. Directly create jobs for local people, contribute to improving the material life and spiritual, health, education and poverty reduction for a residential unit. With motivated, inquisitive and experienced managing board and staff, we would like offer the perfect and a safe trip for travelers Whether who you are, where you come from and what is your preference, we have special and unique itineraries for you.. Please come and join with us for a trip of a lifetime.

Travel products/services provided by Snail Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd
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Name, location and contacts

Company name Snail Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd
Address and Postal Code, City, Province/State, Country
694 Lac Long Quan Str, Nhat Tan Ward, Tay Ho Distr, Hanoi, Vietnam 696 C 10000 Hanoi Viet Nam
Office Phone
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Driving Directionsn/a

Personal Information for Snail Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd

Contact Person Mr Tuyen Nguyen

Travel Specialty

Type of businessn/a
Travel Specialty of Snail Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd Guided Tours
Business Travel
Sea Cruising, Cruise Lines
Online Travel
Responsible and Ecotourism
Family Travel
Student Travel
Adventure Travel
National Parks, Reserves
Customized Travel
Snorkeling, Diving
Budget Travel
Rural Tourism
Holiday Travel
Great Outdoors
Mountaineering, Climbing Sports
Culture and Heritage
Trekking, Walking, Hiking, Camping
Leisure Travel
Incentive Travel
Whale Watching
Kids, Youth
Government Travel
Spiritual and Religious, Pilgrimage

Business Details

Type of businessLimited
Year incorporated2013
Year started working2013
Home based?no
Number of Employees20
Spoken LanguagesEnglish

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