| Transfer ownership of a listed travel businessOur editor team constantly updates the database of travel businesses and adds new entries. Such entries usually have "no owner" even though they are listed in our directory. When the owner of such travel business would discover that his/her company is listed on Tripcook, s/he may want to get control of this listing to use the functions below:* modify and improve the profile info, contact data, etc. * receive Travel Requests from Tripcook's audience * add travel products and travel articles to promote your business In order to get ownership of a travel listing on Tripcook, follow the below steps: 1. Get registered on Tripcook 2. Login to your Account, then go to your travel company listing. Use the link on the left side: ![]() to send an automated message to an email address associated with your travel company. 3. When you receive the transfer ownership email, click on the Transfer Link in it to finalize the transfer process.