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Roxana Tour, Tashkent, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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Roxana Tour

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Usmon Nosir Str. 128/8, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Tashkent Uzbekistan
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, USA, ,
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we are 2 elders (67, 69) that went on a tour starting from Tashkent along the Silk Road. we organized our tour with Roxana Tour :( ), with their agent by the name Rakhmatjon. The agent supplied us with a car, driver & guide, made reservation to all hotels, flights & train passage as required and sent us a detailed program, day by day, how long we have to drive, how much time it takes and of course what we are going to see.. along the way Rakhmatjon called us, and was concerned about our feelings and needs. All went smoothly and we felt safe and secure along the long and difficult trip, knowing that somebody is taking care of every detail in order to let us enjoy the route,
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