Bismarckia Apts is a Guest house located in the Island of Tobago ( Trinidad & Tobago ). It is a self contained Apartment with 6 (one) bedrooms Apts and 2 (two) bedrooms apartments.
Located across a championship golf course, walking distance to the beach, restaurant, few minutes away from the Main Ridge Forest Reserve.
Travel products/services provided by Bismarckia Apartments
No travel products listed
Name, location and contacts
Company name
Bismarckia Apartments
Address and Postal Code, City, Province/State, Country
Road Reserve, Hampden, LowlandsTTTobagoTrinidad and Tobago
Individual Tour Drivers with Autos Food, Wine and Cooking Experience Providers Fun, Activity and Sport Experience Providers Leisure, Fitness and Pleasure Providers Individual Tour Guides Tour Operators Car rentals Cultural and Educational Experience Providers Lodging Adventure Experience Providers