African Vineyard Guest House, Kanoneiland, Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa
African Vineyard Guest House
What we do at African Vineyard Guest House
AA Highly Recommended Guest House - luxurious accommodation, slow food, farm experience, working raisin farm, bird-watching
Travel products/services provided by African Vineyard Guest House
No travel products listed
| Name, location and contacts
| Company name |
African Vineyard Guest House
| Address and Postal Code, City, Province/State, Country
Plot 79, Kanoneiland, PO Box 1071, Upington
Kanoneiland, Upington
South Africa
| Office Phone |
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| E-mail |
| Instant Messaging |
| Website |
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| Map | view on larger map
| Driving Directions | We are on route N14, 30 km from Upington and 10km from Keimoes in the Northern Cape, South Africa. Take the Kanoneiland turn-off from the N-14 and travel for 3km, then turn right the into the little town and drive for 1.5km, then left into the main street. Travel down the main street for 1km, just before the end of the tar road, turn right onto a dirt road for 300m. African Vineyard is the first establishment on your right.(-28.6562099, 21.078304)
| Personal Information for African Vineyard Guest House
| Contact Person | Mrs Elmarie De Bruin
| Photo |
| Travel Specialty
| Type of business | Food, Wine and Cooking Experience Providers
Adventure Experience Providers
| Travel Specialty of African Vineyard Guest House | City Breaks
City Breaks
Lifestyles, Traditions
Holiday Travel
Destination Weddings, Honeymoons
Great Outdoors
Business Travel
Community Breaks
Luxury Travel
Spring Breaks
Bird Watching
Responsible and Ecotourism
Leisure Travel
Family Travel
Trekking, Walking, Hiking, Camping
Rural Tourism
Aquatic Leisure
| Business Details
| Type of business | Sole Proprietorship
| Year incorporated | 2011
| Year started working | 2011
| Home based? | yes
| Number of Employees | 5
| Spoken Languages | English and Afrikaans
| Tripcook Awards
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Average reviewers' rating: not available
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