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Sar-El Tours & Conferences , Jerusalem , Jerusalem , Israel

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Sar-El Tours & Conferences

What we do at Sar-El Tours & Conferences
Israel's leading incoming tour operator and a part of the Sar-El Group of companies, comprising of two DMC's, Hotels, Restaurants, Media & Event Production Company, Transportation Company, real-estate and more. With world-class studios in Jerusalem, state-of-the-art equipment, media production professionals, and event fabrication teams, SAR-EL is your address for comprehensive, one-stop-shop event production. Save yourself the expense and hassle of bringing your media and production teams all the way to Israel, and let our local professionals design, produce, shoot and fulfill a perfect event for you. Contact us today to start the conversation. If you are an established agency looking to add another land operator in Israel, we’d be happy to quote you on your itineraries. If you are an up and coming agency, we’d love to talk about how we can help bring our 27+ years of experience and impeccable reputation in Israel into your service. Sar-El is a unique company in many ways, but what really sets us apart from others, is that we want to see you connect to what God has for you in Israel. The owner of Sar-El Tours, Samuel Smadja’s heart’s desire is that you will have more than a tour, but rather an experience, which will connect you with the land, the people, and the scriptures. One that will give you a memory to take home that will connect you with Israel for the rest of your life. Your understanding of the scriptures will be changed, and you will never read the Bible the same way again as you walk in the very places mentioned in Scripture such as Capernaum, the Mt. of Olives, and Jerusalem! By the grace of God, Samuel has built Sar-El from scratch over 20 years so that we are now one of the largest agencies focused on Christian Tourism to Israel. We are unique, proven, and committed to providing you with the very best experience of Israel, the Land of the Bible.

Travel products/services provided by Sar-El Tours & Conferences
No travel products listed

Name, location and contacts

Company name Sar-El Tours & Conferences
Address and Postal Code, City, Province/State, Country
8 HaHoshen st. Mevasseret Zion 9079560, Israel 9079560 Jerusalem Israel
Office Phone
direct contact data unavailable for public view
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Driving Directionsn/a

Personal Information for Sar-El Tours & Conferences

Contact Person 0 n/a

Travel Specialty

Type of business Cultural and Educational Experience Providers
Leisure, Fitness and Pleasure Providers
Meeting, Event and Conference Planners
Fun, Activity and Sport Experience Providers
Travel Agents
Tourist Offices
Tourist Transportation Providers
Tour Operators
Adventure Experience Providers
Destination Management Companies
Travel Specialty of Sar-El Tours & Conferences Archeology
Culture and Heritage
Group Vacation
Leisure Travel
Customized Travel
Budget Travel
Adventure Travel
Luxury Travel
Spiritual and Religious, Pilgrimage

Business Details

Type of businessn/a
Year incorporatedn/a
Year started workingn/a
Home based?no
Number of Employeesn/a
Spoken Languagesn/a

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