| Travel ads on TripcookAdvertise your travel business, service or product on Tripcook using textual ads on our pages.You may also want to see Banner Ads on Tripcook. 1. Who can show adsAnybody with a robust travel business, product or service which is listed on Tripcook. To publish text ads, you must have an appropriate level of membership - see Membership for more info.2. Where ads are shownThe text ads are shown on your country page of Tripcook, that is, the most viewed areas of our website. For every listed travel business the system automatically creates a text ad. Then, if you are a paid member, you can activate your ad in your Account. After activation it will appear in the right-most column on the Country Page.![]() 3. How ads are shownThere can be max. five (5) text ads on every country page. When a new sixth ad is created/activated by a Member, one of the previous five ads will be hidden. At this moment its owner may use the Put It On Top function in the Account and have his/her ad reappear on the page.4. How to start?Register with Tripcook (it's free!) or, if registered and logged in, go to your Account to start working with your text ads.