Namibia Travel Plans
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Read a brief travel guide for Namibia, an African country with amazing landscapes and unique nature. To organize a better and memorable trip to Namibia, use the services of trusted local travel agents.
Namibia is a unique country with its rich flora and fauna, a rare combination of landscape and geologic structures. There are almost 365 sunny days a year, an extended ocean coast, endless sands of the desert and green foothills, rich hunting grounds, and the original population. Namib Desert is the main attraction of the country and the oldest desert in the world. Its age is estimated by the scientists as 60-80 million years. Stretching for 1,600 km. along the coast of the country, the desert strikes with the diversity of its landscape, ranging from brown weathered rocks and numerous dry river canyons to constantly moving huge sand dunes, vast wastelands and tiny oases. It is a very dry area, where one can wait for years to see a single drop of rain fall. However, the desert is full of life and attracts thousands of tourists. In winter, the animals tormented by thirst gather around the tiny bodies of water where you can see and take pictures of almost all representatives of the Namibian wildlife.
Northern Namibia is the main 'bread-basket' and the most densely populated region of the country. Large cities are few, and the majority of the population of the country live in large farms and small towns. The city of Ochivarongo was founded in 1892. Despite the fact that the city is often used as a transit point for travelling to national parks, it draws some attention. Here one can visit the only crocodile farm in the country, where Nile alligators are bred.
Damaraland is a mysterious and beautiful deserted area that lies southwest of Ochivarongo. The highest mountains of the country coexist here with vast plains, dry river beds, framed by surprisingly lush greenery. The local attractions include laccoliths formed by the volcanic activity, interesting rock carvings of the ancient period, picturesque erosional landscapes, the Stone Forest National Park with trees covered with petroglyphs, the White Lady rocks, as well as excellent places for mountaineering and trekking.
The cities of Ondangwa and Oshakati lie to the north of the Etosha Park and are major shopping centers and an excellent place to get acquainted with the culture of the Ovambo people. The sights of the area, in addition to traditional markets, include the Olukonda National Monument and the Nakambale Museum. Tourists are also interested in the so-called 'Ndong' farms, where one can taste traditional dishes and meet the local residents practicing their unique culture, which has been developing for many hundreds of years.
Grootfountain is a small town in the north of the country, founded by German immigrants in the late 19th century. It is a quiet town, surrounded by bushes and farms, known to the world as the crash site of the world's largest meteorite Hoba. The meteorite fell about 80 thousand years ago, but the area is a real place of pilgrimage for tourists today. The German Fort, built in 1896, now contains a local history museum.
Tsumeb is one of the most picturesque cities in the northern part of the country. The difference between this city and other Namibian settlements is felt almost immediately after entering the city. The streets are straight and well-maintained, with lots of trees and parks, the children play football in the park and ride bicycles. Despite the fact that Tsumeb is one of the centers of the mining industry of Namibia, dust is virtually absent. In addition, there is an interesting Tsumeb Museum with a vast collection of local history, as well as the Center for Arts and Crafts with a large exhibition of products of local craftsmen.
If you are designing a trip to Namibia, visit the list of best rated Namibian travel agencies and request a free travel quote. For more indepth travel needs, such as international or local flghts, hotel accommodation, land transport etc. use the Namibian tour operators, the true professionals with best knowledge of the tourism sector.
Namibrand Protected Area, Namibia |
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