Marshall Islands Travel Preparation
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A trip to the Marshall Islands requires a great deal of preparation and careful planning because this is a truely remote part of the world, separated by thousands miles of the ocean. If you are looking for a place rarely visited yet interesting and beautiful, the Marshall Islands is a perfect choice.
The first Micronesian navigators reached the Marshall Islands atolls about 4000 years ago. Little is known about the origin and culture of these ancient mariners, but the traces of their presence are found in enigmatic structures throughout the region, causing genuine surprise of tourists at how they managed to cross such a vast expanse of ocean without any navigational instruments and maps.
Today, the Marshall Islands are a very exotic and often inaccessible, but a very unusual choice for travelers wanting a break from civilization in one of the lost in the ocean coral atolls of Micronesia. This area has very friendly people and beautiful beaches, famous for their rich marine life and saturated with beautiful underwater scenery.
Majuro is a political and economic center of the islands. It is home to over half the population of the country and all the main administrative and commercial institutions. The atoll consists of 57 small islands, the most significant of which are connected to each other with a 55-kilometer-long road, making the atoll a single long island. Robert Louis Stevenson called Majuro Atoll the 'Pearl of the Pacific'. With the development of the tourism industry the atoll has acquired a number of additional advantages, such as a fully modern leisure infrastructure and carefully preserved island traditions. Three Islands of Majuro, Delap, Aliga and Derry, have merged into a single municipality, which forms the capital of the archipelago and creates one of the most densely populated places in the Pacific Ocean. This is not 'a tropical paradise under the palms,' but it is a modern place with a small selection of attractions.
Visiting Laura Village in the far western part of the atoll will introduce the tourists to the rural lifestyle of the islanders, not much changed since the days of Stevenson. At the same time, in Laura Village, near the airport, one can stop at the most popular resort Laura Beach Resort, as well as see the War Memorial in Majuro Peace Park, built by the Japanese.
Arno Atoll is the closest atoll to Majuro, with its 133 islands and the deep-water lagoon. It has its own airport and is home to nearly 1,700 people. Its main attraction is the Langor region, better known as the 'school of love', where young women used to be taught the art of sex games and family life. Many scientists were even inclined to think that this place was the forerunner of the famous medieval Japanese geisha school. These waters create excellent conditions for deep-sea fishing, as well as for private recreation.
Kwajalein is the largest coral atoll in the region, consisting of 97 islands and forming a very narrow strip of land around a huge lagoon. Mili Atoll is the second largest in the Marshall Islands. It is a good choice for travelers. Mili has a lot of abandoned weapons and 'skeletons' of the former combat aircraft scattered throughout the county. The main village of the atoll contains in its territory more than six dozen of various relics of the war. Here you can see an extensive system of Japanese bunkers and dilapidated artillery positions.
Secluded coral island Magee is a very beautiful island, covered with thickets of lush taro and full of coconut palms, breadfruit and pandanus. Magee is one of the few islands, which do not have a protective lagoon, so fishing here can be quite risky, especially in November and December, when the winds are strong. But Magee has a small freshwater lake, a rarity in these parts, which makes it truly unique. California Beach, located here, is a perfect place for swimming and snorkeling. It is a perfect example of a completely natural, unaltered by man coral atolls.
Request a free travel quote from selected travel agencies for the Marshall Islands to prepare a great tour. The Marshall Islands tour operators are the travel industry professionals who can come up with best itineraries and help you save money while doing such trip.
Marshall Islands: Beauty of Lagoons |
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