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Travel Company Rating (TCR)

1. What is TCR

Travel Company Rating is the main tool to assess the quality of a travel company. The rating is the major factor that tells Tripcook's visitors that it is a trustworthy, reliable and attractive company. The rating defines how well the travel company is listed on Tripcook. See more about Rating benefits for travel companies.

2. How rating is assigned

In order to assign Travel Company Rating, Tripcook has developed the Travel Rating Questionnaire. It is a tool to help travel companies check compliance with standard quality requirements via a set of questions covering various aspects of travel and promotional activities in the company. By answering these, travel companies earn points. Then, Tripcook Team reviews the results of the Questionnaire, and sees to what extent the provided information is true.

Currently, the following aspects of travel and promotion activities are covered:

Online visibility
The web presence of a travel company is assessed based on the following general criteria: SEO factors, listing in major online resources and directories, website usability, user-friendliness, and freshness of information, online credibility, resposiveness and whether it is easy to contact the travel company.

Offline visibility
These are indicators that reflect the activities and aspects of the Travel Company beyond its Internet presence. These may include answering such questions as whether the travel company can be reached using the publicly available contact information; if printed materials, such as booklets, brochures etc. are available; popularity of the TC in various off-line business and travel industry directories and publications; and preparedness of the TC to share various types of information, including legal, geographical, business and other aspects.

Client operations
These include an assessment of internal corporate procedures and rules to deal with the clients and customers, starting from the very first moment the client has submitted a travel request, to further correspondence and client interaction process, and collection of feedback when the service or product has been delivered.

Client or third party reviews
These factors include any reviews, opinions and comments from independent sources that can be found on the web or in offline printed materials.

What are benefits of having a rating?
How to get my travel company rated?
What is Travel Rating Widget?
What is Travel Rating for Activity?

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