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Viajes Pacifico, Lima, Peru

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Viajes Pacifico

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Company name Viajes Pacifico
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L-18, Peru, Lima, Miraflores, Av. La Mar 163 Lima Peru
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Travel Specialty of Viajes Pacifico Senior
Adventure Travel
Culture and Heritage
Incentive Travel
Spiritual and Religious, Pilgrimage
Responsible and Ecotourism
Rural Tourism
Customized Travel

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Type of businessn/a
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On the Viajes Pacifico website, the Mystic Peru trip, it says that the short Inca trail is 'a gentle walk to explore the beauty of WiГ±aywayna Complex.' We were told that our big luggage would stay in the hotel in Cuzco and we would take a small suitcase to take to Machu Picchu. So we had a large suitcase with us, and a smaller suitcase on wheels, to bring to Machu Picchu. However, when we were in Cuzco, a man came to talk to us one evening about the Inca Trail. It turns out the 'gentle walk' is an approximately 7 hour hike up and around the mountain. We were surprised, but still happy, because we like to hike. However, if I had known in advance, I would have bought good hiking shoes with me! This man also said, we could not bring a small suitcase with wheels because we would not be going to the hotel first. I thought we would just hike with some bottled water! And it wasn't just 1 days supply of clothes, toiletries, etc, that we would need to bring, but THREE days worth of necessities. We could not do the 7 hour hike with a rolling suitcase! And we didn't have a backpack with us. So at 8:00 PM, we had to go rushing to find a store in Cuzco where we could get a big, hiker's backpack. AND, my husband had to hike up the mountain for 7 hours hauling a big, bulky backpack, which made the ascent very difficult for him. This is ridiculous and pour planning!!! The day before we went on the Inca trail, I told this situation to our guide who accompanied us around Cuzco. He agreed that this was crazy. Twice he called a head person at Viajes PacГ­fico and after each call, he told me that someone would call me that evening. The last words he said to me before 'good bye' was that someone from Viajes PacГ­fico would call me to explain why we were in this situation and what he would do about it. But the call never came. I was furious that the man from Viajes PacГ­fico did not call us, as we had been told, so we could work out this problem, without my husb
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