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Enchoro Wildlife Camp Masai Mara, Masai Mara, Kenya, Kenya

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Enchoro Wildlife Camp Masai Mara

What we do at Enchoro Wildlife Camp Masai Mara
Enchoro Wildlife Camp-Masai Mara offers three different styles of safari tented camp accommodation situated a few meters from Oloolaimutia park gate of Masai Mara National game reserve. The camp has a total of 27 tents, among them being standard and superior tents. Both have various bed plan options; single, double, triple and quadruple. The camp has a total capacity of 68 people per night, with a camp ground (campsite) that allows pinching of tents, that is for the more adventurous type of clients. The tent canvas wall front can be opened completely to allow an open view from the sleeping and bathroom areas. Find Last Minute Tour Deals to Masai Mara for Non Resident, Resident/Citizen Lowest rates guaranteed on Cheap Camping Tours

Travel products/services provided by Enchoro Wildlife Camp Masai Mara
14 Feb 2013
Masai Mara Budget Accommodation

Name, location and contacts

Company name Enchoro Wildlife Camp Masai Mara
Address and Postal Code, City, Province/State, Country
Enchoro Wildlife Camp YWCA-Parkview suites, Nyerere road, Nairobi 254 Masai Mara Kenya
Office Phone
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Driving DirectionsFrom Nairobi nyamakima matatu/shuttles stop off river road take matatu /shuttle bus to Narok town Some 160 km from Nairobi. At Narok town walk to the bus and matatu station and board Mini bus/shuttle to Oloolaimutia shops which is at the main east gate of Masai Mara National game reserve Oloolaimutia park gate. The drive is about two to two and a half hours on a dirt rough road from Narok town. On arrival at Oloolaimutia shops ask the driver to drop you at the Enchoro Wildlife Camp or at the Oloolaimutia shopping centre which is less than 10 minutes walk towards the Oloolaimutia Primary School, where on your left hand side, The stoned entrance way is sign posted "Enchoro Wildlife Camp" If on a private driven car/vehicle and happen to access Masai Mara National game reserve through the main Sekenani Park gate, Kindly ask the rangers/park wardens to direct you to Oloolaimutia park gate which is to the east side of the park approx 20 km between the two gates. While at the Oloolaimutia park gate the wardens there should be able to point for you Enchoro Wildlife Camp only approx 500m from the park gate and you are able to see the camp from a distance. NB: Start your journey early enough to avoid driving in the dark. The road leading to Masai Mara National game reserve is rough and dusty and may take a lot of time more than described above.

Personal Information for Enchoro Wildlife Camp Masai Mara

Contact Person Mr Albert Ouko

Travel Specialty

Type of businessn/a
Travel Specialty of Enchoro Wildlife Camp Masai Maran/a

Business Details

Type of businessTented Camp
Year incorporated2008
Year started working2008
Home based?no
Number of Employees15
Spoken LanguagesEnglish

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