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Friends in Bali, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

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Friends in Bali

What we do at Friends in Bali
“FriendsinBali” is a small local found company specializes in organizing cycling and trekking trips for traveler based in village of Tampaksiring. Like no other company, FriendinBali was established to fully support the local young talented Balinese to get a better living. We often learned that due to economic challenge these days, much talent had been kept undeveloped especially young unschooled people in villages where chance of working is quiet limited. In FriendsinBali we encourage them to keep their spirit up, keep learning to get a better earning for their family. We taught them English and Customer Service, then let them guide the guest on cycling or trekking trip where they can genuinely share information about Bali and their culture as Balinese. We also had started our little foundation “FriendsinBali Charity” where we always allocated funds from guest expenses to provide some school equipment to be donated especially for Elementary school student. Guests are always recommended to join by donating any unused stuffs that probably can be useful for the children during the Cycling or Trekking trip. By joining us, you had shown your kindness and contribution in helping Balinese.

Travel products/services provided by Friends in Bali
23 Dec 2015
Pakerisan Cultural Walk
23 Dec 2015
Cultural Downhill Cycling

Name, location and contacts

Company name Friends in Bali
Address and Postal Code, City, Province/State, Country
Keranjangan, Manukaya, Tampaksiring 80552 Ubud Indonesia
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Driving Directionsn/a

Personal Information for Friends in Bali

Contact Person Mr Pardi Wayan

Travel Specialty

Type of businessn/a
Travel Specialty of Friends in Bali Culture and Heritage
Adventure Travel
Trekking, Walking, Hiking, Camping
All Inclusive
Rural Tourism

Business Details

Type of businessCorporation
Year incorporated2014
Year started working2014
Home based?yes
Number of Employees5
Spoken LanguagesEnglish, Indonesian

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Average reviewers' rating: 10 of 10 based on 1 review(s)

, USA, ,
Email verified: Yes, hidden
Great local company. I did the pakerisan cultural walk with them and it was awesome. Very well organized and professional. The trip is purely cultural exploration by witnessing local people daily life. I very much liked the school charity and local family compound visit. Not only business oriented, but those guys really proud of their culture as well as willing to do something for others. I am still living in Bali and they genuinely still help me a lot when I need direction or so.
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